Thursday 17 June 2010

Cover from Spain no. 5

A fantastic cover received a few days ago from Carballo, Galicia, Spain, with three brand new Spanish stamps. The 0.34 eurocent stamps (issued on 20 April 2010 in 320,000 copies) shows Carlos María de Castro (1810 - 1893), Spanish architect and urbanist, responsible for planning the regulated expansion of the city of Madrid in the 19th century. The stamp has a map of this expansion (ensanche) in its background.

The two nice photographic stamps with the nominal value of 0.45 eurocent, issued on 15 April 2010, feature important sights of the towns in Baeza (Palacio de Jabalquinto) and Úbeda (Casa de las Torres), in the province of Jaén, Andalusia. Both were inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage list in 2003 thanks to the many well-preserved examples of Italian Renaissance architecture in Spain.

Gracias, José-Luis!

1 comment:

Colgi said...

Milan CI MANCHI MOLTO. Quando ritorni? Ciao da Giovanni