A splendid cover sent by Florian from Austria. It flied by balloon post between Pinkafeld and Riedlingsdorf in Burgenland on 16 October 2010 (there is such a flight every year in Austria, in 2010 it was the 21st, to raise funds for children cancer research). The 0.55 euro stamp, issued on 14 June 2010, commemorates the 100th anniversary of the second alpine spring water system (Vienna public water main), the 0.10 euro laburnum definitive was issued in 2007.
The special postmark used in Pinkafeld commemorates not only the 21. Ballonpostfahrt (balloon flight), but also the 1150th anniversary of Pinkafeld. The other postmark is of Riedlingsdorf (postal code 7422) at the other end of the journey.
Thank you so much, Florian!!
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