On 25 July 2008 I received this nice postcard from Trenčín in western Slovakia (actually closer to my hometown that Prague, for example). Trenčín is the capital of the Trenčín Region with 56,000 inhabitants and is dominated by the Slovakia's third largest castle.
The stamps on the card present the "old" and "new" of the Slovak stamp production. The ship stamp was issued 30 December 1994 as part of a series dedicated to the ships made at the Slovak Shipyards in Komárno and shows the cargo vessel Rýn (Rhine) [print run 5,050,000, engraved]. The other stamp was issued this year on 25 May and is part of the ongoing series "For Children". It depicts a many-headed dragon and is dedicated to the memory of Pavol Dobšinský, Slovak fairy-tales collector living in the 19th century (print-run 10 million, engraved).
Actually, both stamps were bought in one day in a news stand in the centre of Trenčín. I think that the Slovak Post tries to get rid of the stamps with the Slovak koruna denominations before the country's transfer to euro in 2009 and therefore, such old stamps can be bought quite frequently these days. The Slovak koruna stamps will still be used and valid during 2009.
This is really a great stamps
Keren Stamps
This is absolutely exceptional. Even though variety of article on this topic, this article carries many treasured points which had been never be read in other articles.
sirsa pincode
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