Pantanal Conservation Area - a huge freshwater wetland ecosystem - is on of the 17 Brazilian UNESCO sites. It is situated in western central Brazil.
I received this postcards from the town of Pindamonhangaba (state of Sao Paulo) on 18 August 2008 after 12 days' travel. The two commemorative stamps were issued to celebrate 200 years of establishing two schools of medicine (Faculdade de medicina de UFRJ and Facultade de medicina de Bahía) and both feature a part of the Hippocratic oath. The third self-adhesive stamp of RS 0.20 depicts a clarinet.
By the way, I noticed that Brazilian self-adhesives (along with those of the USA) are very difficult, or even impossible, to soak off the paper. It seems the glue used is not soluble in water.
Thank you A. for this great card!
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