On 15 September 2008 I received another registered letter from my friend A. living in Montevideo, Uruguay. This time it was registered only in Uruguay and in Prague, Czech Republic, thus skipping Switzerland as was the case with my first letter mailed from there.
The letter was posted on 5 September 2008 and reached me in 10 days. It features a set of three stamps, repeating the small self-adhesive 100 UYU definitive with grey eagle (águila gris - Geranoaetus melanoleucus) issued in 2006. The new stamps are:
- a nice 12 UYU stamp of the Hospital Central de las Fuerzas Armadas (Central Hospital of the Armed Forces), established in 1908, thus celebrating this year its 100th anniversary; issued on 15 July 2008, with a print-run of 15,000, part of a series dedicated to hospitals; and
- a 4 UYU stamp of Echinopsis multiplex issued in 2000 along with another stamp in a small series dedicated to cacti.
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