We spent the turn of the year in the east of Slovakia, and I took advantage of the change of currency (Slovak koruna to euro) to prepare a postcard featuring stamps of the three different types of denominations currently in use in Slovakia.
The old koruna is represented by the 1 SVK definitive stamp with the coat of arms of the town of Dubnica nad Váhom; the universal "code" denomination can be seen on the beautiful engraved stamp presenting the wooden church of Hervartov in the Bardejov District (T1 100g corresponded to 18 SVK) with the coupon depicting (this time only in offset) another UNESCO protected wooden church in Ladomírová. The new currency is represented by two brand new definitives issued on 2 January 2009 (the date the card is postmarked) showing the St. Marguerite Chapel near Kopčany (District of Skalica) and a detail of the romanesque church in Boldog (District of Senec). The new euro definitives are also engraved and were issued in a print-run of 2 million each.
The wooden churches souvenir sheet was issued on 9 October 2008 with a print-run of 100,000. Both churches from the stamp and the coupon are also shown on the front of the postcard, together with 3 others of these fairy-tale buildings, all of them located in villages of the eastern Slovakia.
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