Cover sent from Minsk, Belarus, on 21 October 2009. The envelope is in fact a piece of postal stationery issued by Belpost in 2009 with a pre-printed stamp of "A" rate (currently 260 rubles), for sending light letters within Belarus. The 600 ruble stamp showing turtle Emys orbicularis was issued on 12 March 2003 in a series called "Reptiles of Belarus", the 30 ruble definitive is petunia from the 12th set of Belarusian definitives (27/5/2008). Interestingly, the total postage amounts to 890 rubles, which is 0.21 euro or 5.65 Czech crowns, i.e. 3 times cheaper than sending a letter of the same size the other way.
Thank you, Raman!
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