A lovely surprise received a week ago from Hiroshima, Japan, a cover with a set of six commemorative stamps from the 1970s! I wish it were possible to use such old stamps also here:-)

On the right, the 15 yen stamp, issued on 14 October 1971, commemorated the European trip of Emperor Hirohito and Empress Nagako (28/9 - 15/10 1971). The brown 20 yen stamp was issued on 25 February 1975 and shows a Class D52 steam engine, also called "Degoni" built by the Japanese Government Railways. In 1975 there were 6 steam-engine stamps issued in total (see below).The other steam engine here on the envelope (Class C62) was issued on 14 October 1972 for the centenary of the Japanese railroad system, together with the neighbouring stamp showing the inauguration of railway service, by Hiroshige III.

The 15 yen equestrian stamp commemorated the 25th National Athletic Meet in Morioka, held on 10 - 16 October 1970 (stamp issued on 10/10/70) and apart from the horseman shows the volcano Mt Iwate towering over Morioka and Paulownia. The last stamp is a painting by Kunimasa Beido, issued on 17 June 1974, for the centenary of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Thank you. Asuka, for this interesting trip to the Japanese philatelic past:-)

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